
Advancing cardiac care: insights and initiatives from the 55th National Congress of the Italian Association of Hospital Cardiologists

The Italian Association of Hospital Cardiologists (ANMCO) convened its 55th National Congress at the Rimini Palacongressi from May 16th to 18th. This... View Article

the gender perspective of cardiovascular diseases discussed in the Italian National Association of Hospital Cardiologists

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The National Congress of GISE, latest advancement in Interventional Cardiology in Italy

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“Il Cuore di …” “Heart disease in the elderly: the key role of preventive diagnostics” Press Room of the Chamber of the Deputies 4th of July 2023

On July 4, 2023, in the Press Room of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, a major conference entitled “Heart... View Article

EHMA 2023 Annual Conference: Advancing Healthcare Management through Sustainable Solutions

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Meridiano Cardio’s Paper “CARDIO-, CEREBRAL-, AND VASCULAR DISEASES A PUBLIC HEALTH PRIORITY: The Importance and Urgency of Having a National Plan” – presented at the Italian Senate

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Region of Lazio commits to foster early detection and address under-treatment

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Italian MPs from the Democratic Party submit parliamentary question on covid-19 and shd

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Italian institutions, clinical experts and scientific societies together to set best standards for tackling Structural Heart Disease

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Lombardia regional parliament endorses Italian ONDA foundation’s initiative for a joint engagement in fostering active ageing as a key trump to tackling Structural Heart Diseases

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Editorial on ‘Sanità24 – Sole24Ore’ regarding Structural Heart Disease & MEP Brando Benifei

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The Manifesto for a Healthier Europe’ published by ‘Corriere della Sera Salute’

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The Manifesto for a Healthier Europe’ published by ‘Corriere della Sera Salute’

Estimated number of people with SHD in Italy

Percentages of population in Italy1

Key facts related to SHD in Italy

By 2020 Italy will spend 18,2 billion € on Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)2,3.
In 2016 CVD represented 11 % of the total health budget4.
In Italy 12,5% of people over the age of 65 suffer from valve disease and one third of them is not treated5.

Key messages

  • The preponderance of elderly people in Italy is expected to be rising and this will lead to an increase of the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.6
  • The regional disparities that are governing patient access to innovative therapies must be harmonized to meet the healthcare needs of Italian ageing population.
  • Medical innovations rate in the SHD area calls for an update of the national reimbursement system, in order to monitor patient outcomes, hospital expenditure and prioritize funding allocation.
  • Investment in healthcare innovations will be key in order to keep senior people in shape and productive.
  • Innovative policies on active ageing should include SHD as an issue to tackle.


  1. Istituto Nazionale di Statistica – Italian National Institute of Statistics (2017),; [retrieved on: 19/July/2018]
  2. Center for Economics and Business Research – CEBR (2014) The Economic Cost of Cardiovascular disease from 2014-2020 in six European Economies, [retrieved on: 19/July/2018]
  3. Structural Heart Diseases are a subset of Cardiovascular Heart Diseases.
  4. Estimated number of expenditure in CVDs based on the total budget of the National Health Service and the total costs of CVDs. Extrapolated by the Centre for Economic Evaluation and HTA (2017) I Costi delle malattie cardiovascolari e l’importanza della prevenzione in termini di risparmio globale and Istituto Nazionale di Statistica – Italian National Institute of Statistics (2017) Il sistema dei conti della sanità per l’Italia,;à-anni-2012-2016.pdf [retrieved on: 19/July/2018]
  5. Corriere della Sera (2015) Un milione di over 75 con malattia valvole cuore: un terzo non trattato, [retrieved on: 18/June/2018]
  6. Associazione Cuore Italia – Heart Valve Voice Association (2017) Libro bianco sul trattamento delle malattie valvolari cardiache in Italia, [retrieved on: 16/July/2018]