Advancing Cardiovascular health in Europe: insights from MEP Brando Benifei and Professir Alessandro Boccanelli

In this interview organised by the EU SHD Coalition, MEP Brando Benifei, and Professor Alessandro Boccanelli discuss the pressing issues surrounding cardiovascular diseases, particularly in the context of an ageing population. Mr. Benifei, representing the European Parliament, emphasises the need for a European space for health data and the integration of new medical technologies. He highlights the challenges of fragmented health competence across Europe and stresses the importance of synergy between Member States and regional actions. Prof. Boccanelli, Vice-President of the Italian Society of Geriatric Cardiology (SICGE), Steering Committee member, of EU SHD Coalition, shares insights from the PREVASC study, which sheds light on the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases among the elderly population. He advocates for community-based prevention strategies, such as population screenings in local villages, and proposes leveraging university resources for broader health initiatives.

Moreover, the two interviewees discuss potential initiatives at the European level to address cardiovascular diseases, akin to the European Union’s cancer plan. They underscore the need for increased awareness, better access to services and medications, and enhanced research efforts. Prof. Boccanelli provides examples of successful prevention programs, including one in San Marino, emphasising the importance of early detection and intervention, while MEP Benifei, expresses the need for institutional support and cultural shifts to prioritise cardiovascular health.

Find the whole interview here: link.