Region of Lazio commits to foster early detection and address under-treatment

Upon the same facts and ground, Lazio Regional FDI Councellor Antonello Aurigemma put forward a regional parliamentary question for written answer.

The question also took stock of a number of considerations over local situation as valvulopathies treatment in the Lazio region was alarmingly low in 2019 and yet still lower in some specific areas as per PREVALE official local registry data, which led to the evidence of an actual diagnosis/treatment problem.  Innovative treatment technologies rate is also below the national average rate. COVID-19 emergency has made access to public assistance structures difficult thus leading to delays in diagnosis and subsequently in treatments. It is therefore crucial to set up a thorough screening action in order for those gaps to be urgently filled. 

The question was presented on 23rd July 2020 and did stress these issues in order for the Council to be appraised.

  • Whether the regional government intends to assess the extent of under-treatment in patients suffering from valvular heart diseases – also through specific initiatives where necessary – in order to reduce the number of missed diagnosis with the support of communication campaigns and educational programmes for general medicine medical doctors;
  • Whether the President of the Region intends – following the assessment of the impact of COVID-19 pandemics over treatment of valvular heart diseases – to adopt proper measures in respect of delays in the treatment of valvular heart diseases patients.

For more information on the Parliamentary Question, click here

Given the urgency to tackle SHD as a major social priority, Regional Counsellor Aurigemma further presented a motion registered at n. 346 of 8 October 2020 and binding the President of the Lazio Region to:

  • assess the extent of under-treatment in patients suffering from valvular heart diseases – also through specific initiatives where necessary – in order to reduce the number of missed diagnosis with the support of communication campaigns and educational programmes for general medicine medical doctors;


  • have the impact of COVID-19 pandemics over treatment of valvular heart diseases monitored by adopting proper measures in respect of delays in the treatment of valvular heart diseases patients.

The motion was unanimously adopted as such by the Regional Council on 11th November 2020, binding the Regional Government to act in view of seriously countering SHD.

For more information on the Parliamentary Question, click here.

For more information on the Parliamentary Motion, click here.